Carnegie Mellon University

Neville Apartments

Located at 617 Neville Street, the two-story Neville Apartment building contains eight three-occupant apartments and each apartment has one single and one double bedroom.

Check out a Neville apartment.

Video tours of rooms represent the furniture and room layout at the time of filming.  Actual furniture, layout, and configurations may have changed since the video was created. Neville apartment tours represent the layout of the specific apartment numbers listed.

Floor plans are representative. Room measurements are estimates. Actual sizes and individual furniture configurations will vary.

Apartments 1 through 4 (pdf) 

Apartments 5 through 8 (pdf)

Neville Images & Virtual Tours

Neville Apartment Single - bed

Neville Apartment Single

Residence hall and apartment virtual tours and photos represent samples of rooms and amenities. Rooms and apartments may differ in layout, size, and configuration.

Neville Apartment Double - two beds desks chairs and window

Neville Apartment Double

Residence hall and apartment virtual tours and photos represent samples of rooms and amenities. Rooms and apartments may differ in layout, size, and configuration.

Neville Apartments Bathroom

Neville Apartments Bathroom

Residence hall and apartment virtual tours and photos represent samples of rooms and amenities. Rooms and apartments may differ in layout, size, and configuration.

Neville Apartments Kitchen

Neville Apartments Kitchen

Residence hall and apartment virtual tours and photos represent samples of rooms and amenities. Rooms and apartments may differ in layout, size, and configuration.

Neville Apartments Kitchen

Neville Apartments Kitchen

Residence hall and apartment virtual tours and photos represent samples of rooms and amenities. Rooms and apartments may differ in layout, size, and configuration.

Neville Apartments dining room

Neville Apartments Dining Room (Apartments 1 and 5)

Residence hall and apartment virtual tours and photos represent samples of rooms and amenities. Rooms and apartments may differ in layout, size, and configuration.

Neville Apartments living and dining room

Neville Apartments Living and Dining Room (Apartments 2, 3, 6, 7)

Residence hall and apartment virtual tours and photos represent samples of rooms and amenities. Rooms and apartments may differ in layout, size, and configuration.

Neville Apartments living room

Neville Apartments Living Room (Apartments 4 and 8)

Residence hall and apartment virtual tours and photos represent samples of rooms and amenities. Rooms and apartments may differ in layout, size, and configuration.

Neville Apartments Living room

Neville Apartments Living Room (Apartments 2 and 5)

Residence hall and apartment virtual tours and photos represent samples of rooms and amenities. Rooms and apartments may differ in layout, size, and configuration.

Neville backyard - grassy yard with four wooden lawn chairs surrounded by a brick wall

Neville Apartments Backyard and Rear Entrance

Neville Staff

Eddie Macham

Housefellow Eddie Macham

Student Staff

Community Advisor (CA)

Catherine Cai

Resident Assistant (RA)

Isaac Kaplan
Andrew Henry

Director of Facilities for Housing Services & Interim Facility Coordinator Andrew Henry